for a change

random thoughts in a journey for a change

Enlightened Self-Interest Continues January 24, 2008

Filed under: journal,real world — Agastya Candrawan @ 12:23 am

I was just browsing through random fashion websites. It turned out that I found some answers to the dilemma I wrote yesterday. H&M  provide a full report of their CSR programs within their website. Some of the programs are funding for AIDS and using organic cotton. These are great and I know many in the fashion industry have also started these movements. What I really apreciated from them is their policy regarding protection to their garment factory workers around the world. The company gives attention to low wages, long working hours and child labor. You can also check MNG’s CSR Report regarding their environment and similar labor policies.

Im really hoping that their missions are not only on the reports but are implemented for a good cause. Go and check the websites to read the full report and to check out their latest collection. At least we know that they are trying not to harm others 🙂


A Shopaholic with Enlightened Self-Interest January 23, 2008

Filed under: journal,real world — Agastya Candrawan @ 1:38 am

I have a confession to make, I do consider myself a shopaholic. There were times when I considered shopping as a therapy and many times when I buy things that I don’t actually need or use. Along the journey of curing myself, I discovered the importance of being a ‘smart shopper’, that is to shop with an enlightened self-interest. This is how I balance my urge to shop and the other side of me who is fighting for social justice.

Bono U2 in his speech for the World Economic Forum in 2006 launched the RED product. Companies like GAP, Converse sneakers, Giorgio Armani, and American Express took part. This is just an example, a part of the growing interest of the business society to have Corporate Social Responsibilities Programs (CSR). CSR can take up many forms, from producing goods like RED where some of the profit will be donated for a cause (AIDS, poverty, education, etc), doing fair trade (such as Body Shop) that promotes local economy, producing products that are environmental friendly (products that use organic cotton or recyleable containers), providing adequate benefits for its employees, or giving back to the community through community development programs or volunteering.

The power to keep the CSR movement to grow and give benefits the community lies in YOU the consumers. In industrialized countries such as US and UK, consumers now are more self-conscious in selecting the products they buy and use. A research in UK shows that consumers prefer to buy products that promote fair trade, environmental friendly, or benefiting a cause particularly AIDS and ending global poverty. Consumers have the power to endorse products from companies that support good causes. On the other side, these companies, realizing the power of consumers are giving more attention toward CSR programs that would eventually give positive contributions to the community and their own brands. The media and many organizations also give credits to companies that are implementing this enlighted self interest. Here we can see a change in the system. Guess what? its us the consumer that are making the change!

This is how I do it. I follow news regarding companies’ CSR programs. For instance, I know that “X Indonesia” have some environment projects and they are providing more benefits for the employees such as childcare. Comparing to other companies in the same field, they are doing more good deeds, so I choose to  buy there products, knowing that the profit they gain could also benefits others. If the a company are selling stocks in the market, remember to review their CSR programs before deciding to buy their stocks.

It would be easier if the companies are actually promoting their good cause, like GAP with their RED products or Body Shop. But since there aren’t may companies who are doing this in Indonesia, that is how I tried to be a ‘smart shopper’.  But I do know, that some products have tried things such as :”buy this for Rp.A and B % will be donated for the C program” which could also help you to make a decision.

If you want to support fair trade, you can go back to the traditional system of buying from the local market and your ‘tukang sayur’. And more companies are promoting organic food. Be proud of our products: buy local fabrics such as batik, wear accessories made by local crafters, or use locally made furnitures by Indonesia’s creative designers or artisants.

It does not says that you have to change your live styles 360, it just a matter of balancing your ways of buying things.  And I do still face some dilemmas, for example I have suspected that some of my fave clothing lines might have come from sweatshop factories that give minimum pays for women with long working hours and without any benefits. How do I prove this?And if I stop buying, would that be more trouble for the labors?Well, lets just put those doubts aside, and just start taking the steps that we could do now. For now, Im just trying to discipline myself on shopping, keeping in mind of the effect to others.

With a bigger movement, maybe we do could affect the system in Indonesia and make those companies to pay more attention to CSR programs. If you are a business owner, how about trying to be an innovator of social entreprenurship?And Im not proposing on banning a certain product here, but just keeping in mind the need of enlightened self-interest that would generates a change.

PS: Check this video to understand the effect of our consumption to the environment [this really inspired me to  be a ‘smart shopper’  although still under the terms of shopaholic 🙂 ]


Biopori-Langkah Kecil Menyelamatkan Bumi January 19, 2008

Filed under: environment,real world — Agastya Candrawan @ 12:02 pm

Dapat informasi ini dari salah satu blog. Sepertinya tidak sulit untuk membuat lubang-lubang biopori ini. Kegiatan sederhana ini bisa membantu daya peresapan tanah yang nantinya bisa menghindari bahaya banjir dan juga menyimpan persediaan air yang sangat kita butuhkan. Untuk informasi lengkap tentang manfaat dan cara pembuatannya, please go this link

Selamat mencoba yaa, sayangnya disini saya tak bisa mencoba karena kami tak punya lahan.


Introduction to Profiles January 17, 2008

Filed under: profiles,real world — Agastya Candrawan @ 11:41 pm

Under the profiles categories, I will be featuring “real” activities around the world, particularly in Indonesia which are done by groups, NGOs, or individuals who are making a change in and for their communities. Hopefully this feature would inspire us to start making changes and also links those interested in doing similar things to colaborate and share experiences. Stay tune for the updates on our profiles!


Classism January 15, 2008

Filed under: in class,real world — Agastya Candrawan @ 10:37 pm

During my 1st semester, I took a compulsary class of Human Diversity. At first I though it was going to be just a class talking about racism or prejudice. But throughout the class, I had the opportunity to reflect the conditions here with the realities in Indonesia, particularly how I know lives of many people in Jakarta, and then I realized that this was a class that could help me reflect and make changes.

One thing that strucked me the most is classism.It is just the same, here or back in Jakarta, we are divided into classes, particularly by our social economic status (SES). Our class and status then become our identity: whose our parents and families, what they do and what we do, the networks we have, our schools and level of education, and our ways of living (that would mostly tell the difference).

It is a privilege for those born and raised in the middle class, upper middle class, or the  haves. To have the best education, the best healthcare, the experience to’ see the world’. Later on in adulthood, they would most likely to have good careers and well lives. Well, maybe its not that easy, they do have to learn to save money too and work hard at school and work, but their lives is far better then the lives of them in the lower class.

Some says those in the lower economic class “deserve” to be what they are. But think again, are you sure they deserve to eat only once a day, not to be able to have a decent income because they never have any education, to live in slum areas?Particularly children in poverty, what did they do to deserve such ways of living?

The government have the responsibility to provide an adequate living condition for the citizens. But it looks like our government has not really figure out our welfare system, will Indonesia be a welfare state or do we have other welfare alternatives to help them in poverty?If the government cannot do much, why don’t we start doing something?

The first thing to do is knowing the truth. We are divided by class and the gap is getting bigger. It is not the the time to hide it, but we need to realize it and then educate ourselves of classism and what it could bring to people’s lives. People need to know that it might not be a personal defect, but the system have also contributed to the cycle of poverty.  With the previleges we have, we have the power to change these conditions, particularly if you are in the middle class or the haves. We can start from small contributions or go straight to lobbying the government and the business society for changes in the system. Those living in poverty would also need to understand the reality and we could help them to make changes for themselves.

Here is a list of things that we can do together to make a change, to break the cycle of poverty, to close the big gap between the rich and the poor, just for an adequate living for those living in poverty.

  1. Educate yourselves. Of your class, your privileges, your rights and power. Know what the government are doing, read the newspaper to know the things around you. Use your right to vote the right candidate. Join groups or NGOs that advocate the things you believe in: education for all, HIV prevention, againts drug use and abuse, enviromentalists, and many more. You can give contributions by volunteering or contribute money.
  2. Use your privileges. If you are a student, be responsible :do your work, learn things that would be useful for you and also for others. If you are an executive, know your responsibility to pay taxes, but also understand where the taxes are going. Does your company gives back to the community?how about organizing one, like a group of volunteers for an NGO or community project. I know some companies who have give their employees the opportunity to give back through their volunteering program. Or give help in a good way. It is best to give donations for programs that would give long term benefits. For instance giving loans for micro finance business instead of just giving money. I found this website www. where we can give loans to those in need to start their business all over the world (including Indonesia).
  3. Do not abuse your rights. If you know you can spend your money on your fave things, think of donating a small part for a good cause, and remember Ied is not the only time when you can give contributions. Like being a foster parent to help children to go to schools. If you have maids, are you paying them fair wages and gives them benefits?

I know its gonna be hard to start, and personally I did experience that, the feeling of “why should i care?” but then if we do not care, who would?I started from small things, like noticing the news and the things happening around us. These help me to think of the things that I might be able to give. I give small contribution from my income  for a program, I tried to give some benefits for my maid beside her salary. Im writing here to share my thoughts. I start thinking of others, If I have the knowledge, what can I use it for?Hope you are challenged and inspired to start. It does not mean that you cannot enjoy live or other fun stuffs. Do make time to think about the community around you, others that are left behind. Just giving the opportunity that they never have would make a difference in their lives. And if you have started, then you are the agent of change. Feel free to share here to spread the good news and deeds!


This Week’s Tips-Langkah Kecil

Filed under: environment,real world — Agastya Candrawan @ 5:57 pm
  1. Selain untuk kopi atau teh, lebih baik pakai botol minum atau travel mug juga untuk air mineral. Nggak semua botol air mineral atau botol plastik aman untuk dipakai kembali. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahan tertentu dari botol-botol plastik tersebut dapat menjadi penyebab kanker. Sebaiknya berhati-hati dalam memakai kembali botol plastik air mineral dan gunakan saja wadah yang lebih permanen. Proses pembuatan botol plastik juga mengkonsumsi banyak energi untuk mengolah bahan mentah menjadi petroleum-based plastic. Kalau kita bisa mengurangi produksinya, kenapa tidak dimulai?
  2. Pastikan mobil dalam kondisi yang baik. Yang paling ramah lingkungan tentunya adalah berjalan kaki, naik sepeda, car pooling, atau naik kendaraan umum. Tapi tentunya di Jakarta, tidak semua itu cukup nyaman untuk dijalankan. Rajin-rajin yaa mengecek kondisi mesin kendaraan seperti keadaan ban, oli, dan air filtersnya. Kondisi kendaraan yang baik akan mengurangi polusi yang dihasilkan kendaraan.
  3. Jika menggunakan mesin cuci dan pengering dirumah, pastikan mencuci dalam jumlah yang banyak dan gunakan mesin pengering disaat hujan atau kebutuhan mendesak lainnya. Gunakan juga air dingin sebagai pilihan mencuci pada mesin cuci. Semua ini membantu menghemat penggunaan listrik.
  4. Saat berbelanja di supermarket atau pasar. Selain menggunakan tas belanja sendiri untuk menghindari penggunaan plastik, coba untuk membeli makanan atau sayuran dengan paket yang dapat di daur ulang atau jika memungkinkan, langsung gunakan tupperware atau wadah sendiri untuk ikan, ayam, atau daging yang dibeli. Lalu coba untuk lebih teliti membeli produk yang ramah lingkungan, misalnya produk organik yang tidak menggunakan pestisida. Memang sedikit lebih mahal, tapi perbedaan yang Anda buat cukup besar, apalagi kalau produk tersebut juga mendukung local farmers atau Usaha Kecil Menengah yang bisa langsung membantu para produsennya.

Nanti ditambah lagi yaa, tips2nya. Semoga setidaknya kita mencoba menjalankan satu-satu persatu dari tips-tips yang ada. *all materials are summarized from WUSTL Record.


“Change” vs “Experience” January 6, 2008

Filed under: real world — Agastya Candrawan @ 10:32 am

Spending some time catching up with the news on the US Presidential Election, this is a new term I have heard when it comes to Obama vs Clinton. Although I will not be voting, this terms really interest me and kept me thinking, if I were to vote my President (in fact it’s coming in 2009 for Indonesia, and some names have appeared as candidates) who would I vote for?A person with a long list of experiences or a person promising changes?

Here, Obama is potrays as the candidate that would forever change the nation’s democracy and politics. On the other end, Clinton boosts  her 35 years of experience, including those in the White House. A person with a great resume must certainly knows “what to do”, but does knowing what to do will certainly brings a change in the system?Cause maybe its the system that needed to be change and that person with new visions and new ways of thinking might have a bigger ambition “to change”.

Back in Indonesia, Megawati (former president) and Sutiyoso (former Jakarta’s governor), Gus Dur (another former president) have put their names as candidates. Some said that Wiranto might also join them. These are people with a long list of experiences, might be even longer than Clinton’s, but I cannot recall any of them making a significant changes in social welfare and education policies during their time serving the country. Im anxious to see these candidates programs for social welfare policies in the coming election. And Im hoping for those young and fresh candidates such as Obama with the spirit to make a change and not to continue the “status quo”. Because we really need changes within the system, the way social welfare policies is viewed and implemented in the nation to bring the change into reality.

Another hope I have is the opportunity for us (the voters) to get clear pictures of each of the candidates’ programs and proposals, so what ever things they are offering us, experiences or changes, we ‘ll have a clear understanding rather than a long list of words without actions.

Hey, Im really am getting excited with this, we’ll I see how the debates and elections would be here, and I might be able to discuss more with you.


Langkah Kecil Menyelamatkan Bumi-Continues January 5, 2008

Filed under: environment,real world — Agastya Candrawan @ 7:32 pm

Hasil browsing hari ini menyimpulkan..ada begitu banyak buku yang harus dibaca nich untuk jadi motivator kita to make a change. Salah satu buku yang menarik adalah “The Green Book: The Everyday Guide to Saving the Planet One Simple Step at a Time” (Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigen). Buku ini in memandu kita untuk melakukan hal-hal kecil dalam keseharian untuk mencegah efek global warming. Nah mulai sekarang, saya akan bagi tips-tips dari buku tersebut dan juga sebagian tips dari Oprah Show, 4 January 2008. Secara tipsnya banyak beneer, dibahasnya satu-satu aja yaah.

Today’s tips:

  1. Bring your own travel mug to work or school. Ngopi di Starbucks, Coffee Bean, atau tempat ngopi lainnya sudah menjadi bagian hidup kita. Pagi-pagi sebelum kerja, lunch break, atau seusai kantor, sering kita mampir untuk beli kopi. Untuk mengurangi jumlah sampah dan tentunya bisa lebih gaya, bawalah travel mug Anda setiap hari. Bisa menikmati panasnya kopi lebih lama, bisa sedikit bergaya dengan travel mug dengan beragam motif, warna, atau brand dari coffee place, dan yang paling penting mengurangi sampah.
  2. Save paper. Cara lain menghemat kertas adalah untuk memilih online banking. Dengan online banking, statement bulanan tidak perlu dicetak dan dikirim ke alamat kita, mengurangi junk mail dan juga menyelamatkan pohon. Untuk mengingat semua tarikan atau transfer kita lewat ATM, tidak perlu cetak buktinya di mesin ATM, cukup cek saja account kita online. Sistem in juga bisa kita gunakan untuk membayar tagihan telpon, HP, listrik. Coba hitung berapa banyak kertas yang kita buang setiap bulan untuk tagihan-tagihan ini?

Class Matters January 1, 2008

Filed under: children,in class — Agastya Candrawan @ 8:25 pm

Bridging the Gap Equal Education for All

The presentation “Bridging the Gap, Equal Education for All” was an assignment I did for one of my classes. After giving more thoughts about it, I believe this is a real thing happening in Indonesia, for sure in Jakarta and something needs to be done. The gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider and sadly for the education of the less fortune children in Indonesia.

Once I worked in some international kindergartens in Jakarta. The students gets the most of education: the best facilities, teachers, curricullum, and learning experiences. I also know some national plus schools who provide the best services and just a few state schools that do. But the price to pay is way too high for most families in Indonesia.

High quality education is the right for all children particularly for those living in poverty who would greatly benefit from good education. I am greatly happy with the rapid growth of national plus and international schools in Indonesia, but wouldn’t you be happier if more children could benefit from this great opportunity?

Yes, there are many things to be done for a better education in Indonesia, although I think the government has a good start in running some programs such as free tuition, trying to raise the national budget for education, or providing internet access.

Here I proposed a proposal to bridge the gap between the best schools and state funded schools. This could be a starting step to provide the best education for all children dispite of their social economic background. Can this be done?What do you think?


Langkah Kecil Menyelamatkan Bumi

Filed under: environment,real world — Agastya Candrawan @ 6:39 pm

UNFCCC sudah lewat dan memberikan hasil yang kurang maksimal melalui “Bali Road Map” yang hanya berperan sebagi “penunjuk jalan” negara berkembang dan negara maju untuk menghadapi global warming. Bagaimana dengan kita, masyarakat biasa?Saya rasa kita yang hidup dalam masyarakat memiliki peranan yang sangat besar untuk menyalamatkan Bumi. Jika pemerintah belum memfasilitasi masyarakat dengan “edukasi ramah lingkungan”, mengapa tidak kita sendiri yang memulainya di lingkungan terkecil.
Semoga saja bisa menjadi contoh dan memberikan dampak positif yang lebih besar.
Dibawah ini ada beberapa “langkah kecil” yang bisa dimulai:

1. Dari link ini saya semakin menyadari bahwa budaya konsumerisme juga memberikan sumbangan besar kepada keadaan lingkungan kita saat ini. Rasanya hanya membeli satu barang saja, tapi ternyata efek dari produksi dan pemakaiannya begitu besar!Mungkin ada baiknya juga untuk mulai belanja dengan efektif dan efisien. Selain bisa berhemat atau menabung, kita juga ikut menyelamatkan bumi.
2. Memisahkan sampah dapur (sampah basah) dan sampah kering (plastik atau kertas). Sampah dapur bisa diolah kembali menjadi kompos. Jika tidak ada waktu untuk itu, sampah plastik, kertas, dan kaleng yang sudah disatukan bisa diberikan kepada pemulung. Mereka sangat membutuhkan sampah itu untuk dijual kembali (itung-itung membantu pemulung mendapatkan penghasilan) dan juga membantu proses recycle.
3. Pernah menghitung berapa banyak kantong plastik yang kita jinjing tiap kali selesai belanja?Memang kita sudah mulai me-reuse plastik-plastik ini menjadi kantong untuk sampah, tapi ada cara yang lebih trendy lagi untuk mengurangi plastik-plastik ini. Pergilah belanja dengan membawa tas-tas belanja sendiri. Sediakan beberapa tas besar dari kain atau bahan plastik atau bahan recycle lainnya yang kira-kira bisa dijadikan “tas belanja” saat ke supermarket atau pasar. Tentunya akan lebih seru dan lucu kan dibandingkan plastik-plastik berlabel nama supermarket itu?dan juga mulai mengurangi penggunaan plastik.

Saya yakin pasti Anda tahu lebih banyak lagi tentang tindakan-tindakan kecil yang bisa kita lakukan untuk menyelematkan Bumi seperti mencetak dokumen bolak-balik dalam satu lembar kertas, menggunakan recycle paper, menghemat air dengan mematikan kran saat mandi atau mencuci mobil, dan banyak lagi. Hanya sekedar mengingatkan saja bahwa perubahan harus dimulai dan hanya dari hal-hal yang kecil saja yang bisa memberikan pengaruh yang begitu besar nantinya. Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Kalau Anda masih belum yakin kalau perilaku ngga penting kita punya pengaruh yang begitu besar,coba cek link ini